Sunday, May 22, 2011

Well, we're still here.

So the rapture didn't happen. I do feel a little bad for Harold Camping, but regardless, I had an excellent night on Saturday.

The morning was a little bit of a bust-- DMV was closed then I went to about 6 different stores before I found somewhere I could send a book at the media shipping rate and ended up here:

But that is just life in North Dallas. And ultimately I got my book shipped and I'll just have to go to the DMV in the morning before work. (Boo, adulthood.)

But for Saturday night, Carolyn invited some friends over for a dinner party and it was a really great time. Picture it: me and eight 60-something Baptist democrats talking about life, college, comedy, spiritual gifts, and all other things good. I got some very good advice and heard some of the best stories.

It's got me thinking: perhaps wisdom really is found with age. Not as an automatic gift that comes with gray hair, but there is really something to experience that brings understanding. A well lived life teaches without trying.

Another thing I'm realizing: there are people who are like me. My whole life I've been in mostly conservative circles wondering if I'm a heretic or a crazy. But here I've found that really I just fall into a different camp and there are people who think like me and love Jesus with their whole hearts. And they have been incredibly supportive.

Best words spoken to me so far: Don't worry about being a woman preacher. Just be a good one.

I am continuing to learn.

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