Sunday, May 22, 2011

Well, we're still here.

So the rapture didn't happen. I do feel a little bad for Harold Camping, but regardless, I had an excellent night on Saturday.

The morning was a little bit of a bust-- DMV was closed then I went to about 6 different stores before I found somewhere I could send a book at the media shipping rate and ended up here:

But that is just life in North Dallas. And ultimately I got my book shipped and I'll just have to go to the DMV in the morning before work. (Boo, adulthood.)

But for Saturday night, Carolyn invited some friends over for a dinner party and it was a really great time. Picture it: me and eight 60-something Baptist democrats talking about life, college, comedy, spiritual gifts, and all other things good. I got some very good advice and heard some of the best stories.

It's got me thinking: perhaps wisdom really is found with age. Not as an automatic gift that comes with gray hair, but there is really something to experience that brings understanding. A well lived life teaches without trying.

Another thing I'm realizing: there are people who are like me. My whole life I've been in mostly conservative circles wondering if I'm a heretic or a crazy. But here I've found that really I just fall into a different camp and there are people who think like me and love Jesus with their whole hearts. And they have been incredibly supportive.

Best words spoken to me so far: Don't worry about being a woman preacher. Just be a good one.

I am continuing to learn.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Que Sopresa!

26 points to anyone who can name the reference in the title.

Well, I did not get to check out the half priced book store on my day off. Instead, the boyfriend and I both made a semi-spontaneous (we decided the night before) trip to Gainesville for a little date. And although there is nothing in Gainesville and he had to drive about 60 more minutes than I did, it was a wonderful way to spend my free day.

Things I learned:
-a deserted outlet mall may be the most depressing thing I've ever seen
-there is a zoo in Gainesville
-it is strange
-if you are ever there, everything is on California street
-the zoo is overpriced but a good way to kill an hour with someone you just want to spend time with

Happy Thursday... here's me being a giraffe's eye. We don't get it.

With that said, if anyone has some good suggestions of things that are halfway between Dallas and OKC, I'm listening. :) Anything to make the distance smaller is beyond welcome.

Here's to spontaneity and good company.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Location, location, location.

Although I am still getting used to much of the transition and there are a lot of things that are not quite so fun (early morning wake up, necessity of adult clothes, new distance component to the relationship, missing community, etc.), north Dallas is certainly not one of them.

I absolutely love living in a real city again-- or perhaps for the first time since Blue Springs is ultra suburban. It's a good place to live [and a good song to sing]. On my way to work alone, I pass two Boston Markets. TWO! Not only is there Boston Market here, but there's one right across the street from Wilshire. I know, that's probably not that exciting to anyone else out there, but I'm going there for lunch today so I'm super hyped.

I even don't really mind my 25 or so minute commute. I don't mind because it reminds me how great this city is. I keep passing things and making mental notes to go there on my day off or after work. Tomorrow is my first free day and after I get my car inspected (boo, adulthood.) I am going to a half price book store with a built in cafe. So, although I get annoyed at the 3 unavoidable school zones-- more if I want to take the route with less traffic and if there's anything that these Dallas drivers take seriously, it's school zones. 20 mph all the way, baby-- and numerous multi-minute stoplights that add a good ten minutes to the drive that REALLY should only be 15 and would be 15 in a smaller city, I secretly enjoy the chance to sing music loudly and get acquainted with my new surroundings.

Also, the roads here are a grid-- even I can't get lost. Only day two and I no longer needed a GPS to get to work. Boo-yah.

So following through with one of my new life resolutions, non-starbucks coffee shop number one was Saxby's.

Although I liked the atmosphere (or really, the three people sitting in there not speaking English), the chai was mediocre. :( So, sorry Saxby's but good chai is a must. I might be willing to go back and try an espresso drink, but we'll see. Luckily, my date with myself was saved by this:

This book is so great. If you don't have it yet you need to get it or borrow it and read it ASAP. Of course, Tina Fey is kind of my idol so I'm a little biased. But it's a great laugh and good things to think about.

So far, so good. Points thus far for urbanity and comediennes. Oh! And Boston Market. :)


Monday, May 16, 2011

Hello, Texas.

Err, howdy, I suppose.

It's here. I've been looking forward to this part of my life for a long while, but now it's here. I have a bachelor's degree. I live in a new state (again). I'm working 40 hours per week. It's a lot.

It's a weird in between-- living in the area (almost) of my future but not in my new home. Of course, I wonder if my new apartment will even feel like home. I guess I'll find out around August 10. This is where I live, but I don't know where anything is. I need a GPS and bing to get anywhere. Luckily, my phone has the capabilities of both. I get two and a half days off per week, but I don't know anyone. I think I'll be doing a lot of reading.

I've made a few commitments; I like to call them new life resolutions. You see, I'm going to be an adult-- I'm convinced. So I've decided to start acting like an adult. This blog will record the results.

I'm going to have pictures to make the posts more exciting. I swear.

Anyway, here are my resolutions. I'm open to suggestions for more.

1. Make my bed every day.
2. Do all dishes and clean kitchen before I go to bed.
3. Visit a non-starbucks coffee shop once every week.
4. Cook dinner for each of my neighbors.
5. Renew my newsweek subscription and get involved in local politics.

Most of these don't really apply until after I move to Ft. Worth. Until then, I'll be here in the in between in Dallas. I'm going to try to keep this thing updated and interesting, but we'll see how it goes. Look forward to theological musings, funny stories from the job, and adventures in adulthood.


Miss these kids so much my heart might explode.