This always happens. I start something so good and then reality gets in the way and I have no followthrough.
Well, I have been in grad school for approximately six days now and I have already learned a few things. First and foremost: I underestimated. This is, of course, my general tendency. But the reality is-- as my father likes to say-- the higher you climb up the degree ladder, the more it consumes your life.
Let me back up and give you the good news.
I have class only on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, beginning each at one o'clock in the afternoon. This is, I do believe, the perfect schedule.
However, having now been to my third graduate level class, I realized that taking 12 hours means that I only get to pick about two things to care about other than school. In other words, my new life resolutions are basically out the window.
The reality is, I'm thus far trying to be disciplined enough to get up and study in the morning so that for my break I can go work out. This is necessary because if I am not intentional to go run on machines I will spend my entire day sitting-- as that is generally the best position for reading, translating, writing papers, and going to class.
Also, I have a boyfriend that lives only a little over an hour away that I would prefer to see on occasion.
So between trying not to eat terrible things, working out, the boyfriend, and school I'm basically maxed out. There is no time (or money) for once a week coffee shop ventures or newsweek or local politics.
I am standing by my commitment to do my dishes (a much easier task now that I have a dishwasher!) and make my bed... at least as soon as I get the bed slats from IKEA, but that is another story.
So friends, as much as I have enjoyed a summer of trying to keep up with the world and thoughts of publishing devos, etc., I think that the realities of being a good blogger are unrealistic for my life right now. I honestly have no idea how people do this grad school thing with spouses and children. It's mind-boggling.
It's not you, it's me.
Ok. I am kind of breaking up with you. But! I may still post on occasion should the Spirit still move. I am apparently taking a PhD seminar on Ezekiel so I'm sure that I will have plenty of fodder, I'm just afraid proclaiming it to cyberspace has dropped down my list of to-do's.
I think I had a point when I started this, but thinking about my massive reading list it dropped from mind.
In other news: I'm trying a new pork recipe tonight so wish me luck. :)
All my love.
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